Real Estate Frequently Asked Questions-FAQ-sally-Scheidemantle

Real Estate Frequently Asked Questions

We know you’ve got a ton of questions about hiring a real estate agent.

In this epic scroll, you’ll find answers to almost everything.

Real Estate Frequently Asked Questions

About Hiring a
Real Estate Agent

Don’t worry, I’ll personally take care of you. I’ll show you options around your budget, not just the pricey properties. I’ll also explain the step by step process so you’re comfortable with every move we make. I like to treat my clients like family!

By doing a complete market analysis, suggesting some small or medium changes before putting the house on the market. Comparing the market, the condition of your property, and my experience in the area will also help.

I keep an eye on my cell phone during extended hours Monday to Friday and shorter hours on weekends. When I’m busy with another client, I’ll send you a text message. Communication with my clients is super important to me.

By doing meticulous research on properties that have sold in the area, that are currently for sale, and that are comparable to your property, taking into account: year, size, and condition.

Based on comparable, I usually suggest setting a competitive price, not too high. When properties stay on the market for a long time, it can be misinterpreted. Buyers might think there’s a defect or that you’re desperate to sell, and they start offering below the average price. That way, you end up losing more, my friend.

Real estate is unpredictable; statistics show this market has ups and downs. My knowledge of the area helps me know through history if the area has gone up in price or devalued, but unfortunately, that doesn’t guarantee the future.

As a realtor, I can only do a visual inspection and can detect some obvious things. I always suggest paying professionals to do the inspections. This way, we make sure of the real condition of the property.

Although I’m not a lender, I try to stay updated on the types of loans available at the moment. I’ll put you in touch with my team of trusted lenders who will help you choose what’s best for you.

According to the clauses in the purchase agreement, a buyer has the right to cancel. My job is to protect your interests as well as the deposit that was made. If we follow the contract to the letter, then your deposit will be safe.

We do online marketing, network with other agents, word of mouth, contact past and current clients, and in some cases, traditional advertising. We take professional photos, post on social media, on specialized Real Estate platforms, and on our website. We’ve got a complete strategy, you see.

Ready to begin?
Let’s dive in and make some property dreams happen!

About my

Your property will be advertised on all the specialized Real Estate platforms that have worked for me. Some are MLS, Realtor, Zillow, Redfin, and depending on the property, some others. Plus, remember that my 20 years of Real Estate experience have helped me build a great network of Realtors.

First of all, we’ll have an appointment where you’ll tell me in detail about your dream house. With that information and your budget, I’ll search high and low for the best options for you. Once you choose the house, we’ll follow up with the negotiation strategy to win it.

First, we need to make sure you qualify for your mortgage loan. If you’re going to buy in cash with the sale of your house, then it won’t be necessary. Then we put your property up for sale. At the same time, we start looking at possibilities for the house you’re seeking. As soon as we have an offer that works for you, I negotiate a reasonable time to find the house you’ll move to and will be your new home. It’s done simultaneously. I’ll also negotiate the time needed for you to move, considering your buyer’s situation too. It’s a whole bachata dance, super coordinated.

That depends on your needs. In most cases, it’s very convenient since you can use the money from the sale for the purchase. Plus, you move directly to your new home, you don’t have to look for a rental house to live in or storage to keep your furniture.

For me, the art of negotiations is based on maintaining a lot of communication with everyone involved and knowing your needs, I’ll achieve the best for you. As if it were my transaction, I’ll tell you what’s best in each situation.

I could tell you that I’m bilingual, I have over 35 years of sales experience, I love my job, and I love helping people. But what I think makes me different is that I like to treat my clients as if they were my family, so much so that every buyer or seller becomes someone important in my life. I regularly maintain friendships for years.

I share all my knowledge with sellers and buyers, I believe the more my client knows, the more they enjoy the process. I’m present throughout the process. I help explain the documents that are part of the transaction until it’s clear (as if it were my family, remember). Personalized attention is important and the process is less stressful; most agents have assistants and once entering the transaction, the agent hardly ever has contact with you again, because their assistants take care of the rest.

Very easy, when you and the property are ready.

Digital marketing more than traditional. Definitely, advertising campaigns are what have given me the best results. However, of course, we also do Open Houses!

: In the sale contract of your property, we’ll have a stipulated time to find the house, and if we don’t, you can cancel, but you have to take into account the reasons why you’re selling.

Ready to begin?
Let’s dive in and make some property dreams happen!

Mortgage and Financing

There are 3 types of mortgage loans: FHA, VA, AND CONVENTIONAL. In turn, each has different options, which will be explained to you to choose the best option. In addition, others give help for down payment and closing costs, but watch out, each case is different, and we have to verify if your case qualifies.

Choosing a mortgage loan is a very personal matter. It depends on whether you’re looking for a property to live in or as an investment. All these questions will be answered in your interview with the lender. For example, the FHA loan is only for buyers who will live in the property; VA is an exclusive loan for Veterans, and the Conventional Loan can be for investors or for people who want to inhabit the property. In each case, the terms vary.

Each person or family has different needs and situations, so I always recommend having an appointment with the lender. They will recommend one or several loan options. But remember to speak to them with complete sincerity, otherwise the authorization process could be delayed or not proceed.

If you work for a company and they give you a W2, they’ll ask for a month of pay stubs, 2 bank statements, and two years of work history. If you’re self-employed, they’ll ask for 2 years of self-employment, bank statements, and two years of taxes.

Credit is very important as depending on the credit will be the type of loan you qualify for. But just as important is income, as well as the debts that appear on your credit.

In general: If you work for a company and they give you a W2, they’ll ask for a month of pay stubs, 2 bank statements, and two years of work history. If you’re self-employed, they’ll ask for 2 years of self-employment, bank statements, and two years of taxes.

Really, the options are the same, only sometimes there are loans for people who don’t have a house at that time.

Change that idea! Don’t think “I THINK I DON’T QUALIFY”. In the end, the lender will be able to inform you and help you work on your credit so that you’re positioned in a few months and can buy that beautiful house.

Sometimes they do affect as banks always require a minimum FICO and income to be able to buy. That’s why it’s important to have an appointment with the lender as soon as possible! Get ahead of the situation.

: If what the lender (who I recommended and I know is an honest person) told you wasn’t clear, I can expand on the information. However, if it’s not a lender I know and who keeps me updated, I won’t be able to answer for them.

By paying bills and debts on time. Also reducing credit card balances as much as possible.

Get your credit report and make sure it’s in good standing, if it’s not, fix it.

Get a credit pre-approval, it will give you a clear idea of how much you can borrow.

Usually, the letter the lender gives you will have an expiration date, but it’s very important that you know that until you find a property and only then, the lender will be able to set aside a certain interest rate for you.

If you have a question that isn’t answered here, send me a WhatsApp message. I’ll get back to you as soon as I can—just be patient, I might be busy negotiating with my coffee machine!

Ready to begin?
Let’s dive in and make some property dreams happen!
